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Welcome to the Sacred Space of

Inner & Outer Transformation

Every woman deserves to feel amazing in her skin, be madly in love with the life she’s living. and discover the depth of fulfillment she was born for

Welcome, Beautiful

Working with me is a spiritual bootcamp for your soul that lands you into your most divinely inspired life.


This day is precious! It’s the day everything gets to change…


There’s a right of passage a woman goes through when she finally decides to be free and fulfilled unto herself, regardless of where she is on her journey…


Because she realizes that she’s no longer willing to postpone her current pleasure, joy, and soul-deep satisfaction, while she holds out for some glorified future…


She’s no longer willing to wait to LIVE until she reaches some future destination when she finally gives herself permission to own her beauty, embody her sexy, and live by her deepest desires in life.

“Salona is pure magic.” ~ Jen Trulson
For Women Ready to Have a Love Affair with Their Life…You’re in the right place at the perfect time
She Decides It's Finally Time to...

Belong to and love herself first and foremost


Connect with her body like never before and claim it as the holy, sacred ground that it is.


Feel like a goddess in her own skin


Rather than waiting for the presence of a man to activate her…


She becomes more committed to discovering and relishing in the sacredness of her own sensual aliveness as a portal to her innate divinity.

A Real Shift In Perception and Living

Most of us are motivated to change, because we want to get something from others or from the outside world.


I’m interested in you becoming the queen of your life for YOU, and you alone.


And, I know that part of you becoming THAT woman is choosing to embody HER independent of what another would ever think of you.

“Salona’s coaching has opened up a doorway into staying rooted in my Being. I can now easily find that place inside me, in any moment, that allows me to feel happy, peaceful, and loving.”
~ Joanna Labadie

This is what I teach my clients as a way of life, so they can…

  • Deeply flourish and live their most fabulous lives

  • Expand their pleasure potential, prioritize their deepest nourishment, and run more sensual aliveness through their bodies

  • Make choices based on THEIR authentic desires and truth

  • Reclaim a sense of fulfillment that is independent of circumstances

  • And truly be the creator of a life that is so worth living every step of the way…


When you stop letting your life determine how you feel and WHO you allow yourself to become…


And, instead, you become your very own reason to truly LIVE in way you’ve always dreamed of.


That’s when something in your soul is set free….


And you’ll wonder why you waited so long.


“I feel completely alive and energized after every one of our sessions.”
~ Ryan Bailey

Meditation to Immerse you in the Ecstatic Feminine

With the Latest in Enhanced Transformation and Integration Technology

~ Binaural Beats and Solfeggio Frequencies ~

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 © Copyright 2021 by Salona Carlisle All Rights Reserved - Seattle, WA

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