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The Sweet Freedom of Letting Go
There's a sweet freedom that comes with the exhale of letting go … the letting go of everything you think you need to do… It’s enough to...

If your experience isn't what you want
If your experience is not what you would like it to be right now… You’re allowed to feel discouraged. You’re allowed to feel frustrated,...

The Secret To Reclaiming Your Sensuous Nature
Pleasure is like air for the feminine body. Without it, a part of us withers and dries up from the malnourishment. The light in our eyes...

The expansion you're hungry For
There are times when allowing the space is far more important than what you’re filling it up with. You see … The expansion you are hungry...

Finding yourself & your happiness
So many of us think that finding ourselves, finding fulfillment, and discovering lasting peace can only come from being in a particular...

The Essence of Tantric Practice
If you’re not living your life in the way you know you could be... Once in a while, it’s a really powerful practice to surrender the need...

The Art of Self-Worship
It’s so easy for women to feel like less of a woman, less attractive, and less desirable when they’re single. It’s also easy to find...

Every woman deserves this
Every woman deserves to feel exquisite in the skin she’s in, to be madly in love with the life she’s living right now (not just later),...

What’s Between You and What You Want?
How often do you notice what’s amazing about you and your life? Or how often do you find that instead, you’re actually completely missing...

When success is disguised as failure
Where are you waiting for circumstances to appear a certain way? Or until you’ve transformed into the image you’ve been carrying of the...

How To Reclaim Your Pleasure
AS women we tend to fall into this trap of outsourcing our pleasure… To other people – like our clients, friends, children, or lovers To...

The Hidden Power Source of Your Pleasure
Your ability to experience pleasure is your greatest asset. So, what is your relationship to pleasure these days? To be totally honest,...

The Hidden Power Source of Your Pleasure Part 2
In part one, we began exploring your relationship to pleasure and how without the fuel of pleasure, you will not fulfill your purpose,...

I used to feel so self-conscious about...
I used to feel reluctant to talk about pleasure…apprehensive about taking a stand for prioritizing pleasure. I used to be feel doubtful...

Sourcing Pleasure In The Whirlwind of Life
My heart aches whenever I’ve reached the end of a day and realize I did not pause to appreciate the beauty of the sky, to luxuriate in...

3 Essential Steps To Becoming An Energetic Match To Your Desires
I speak to so many women whose default pattern is to assume something is wrong, broken, or missing with themselves or their lives when...

My favorite practice for downshifting into presence & pleasure
As a “get-it-done” kind of gal, I definitely have a tendency to race through certain parts of my day, and I know well the experience of...

The elegance of persistence through hardship
This approach certainly wouldn’t always resonate with me, but, within the context of a very challenging Sunday morning spin class, the...

How I dug myself out of a hole
All weekend long, my body was fighting something, which got a heck of a lot worse last night. As soon as I started to feel that little...

The Source of Your Fulfillment Is Closer Than You Think
How much of your attention and energy is focused on wishing, hoping, and waiting for more ideal conditions to usher you into more...
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