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I used to feel so self-conscious about...

I used to feel reluctant to talk about pleasure…apprehensive about taking a stand for prioritizing pleasure.

I used to be feel doubtful and self-conscious about being so passionate in my messaging about joy and about teaching women how to become more obsessed with it.

Because pleasure and joy can often be perceived as something superficial, frivolous, and even self-indulgent, and I was afraid of being judged as fluffy and insubstantial, indifferent to the challenges of being human and to the grueling struggles that we sometimes have to navigate.

At times I still am tentative. And yet, what I know to be true, is that pleasure is so much more than bubble baths, the newest sex toy, falling in love, your favorite food, and multiple orgasms. Yes, it definitely includes all that. It’s also, and far more, about taking a stand for how you actually want feel in as many moments as possible…

And then becoming more intentional, making those choices, and directing your attention in ways that serve that experience of yourself and your life that you’re desiring more of…

So that less and less you’re waiting for things to change and hinging your happiness on different circumstances in order to feel good, to feel better, to feel happier, more joyful, more pleasure-enriched…

And more and more you’re allowing yourself and giving yourself permission to receive more and more of the infinite goodness that this moment is already full of – instead of constantly delaying the depth of aliveness that is the true source of your abundance and soul-deep pleasure.

And to see this moment, see yourself, see your life through the lens of perfection, rightness, of meant-to-be-ness…

Through the lens of more presence rather than future projection of our someday fulfillment.

This is why so much of my work is about redefining pleasure…

About epanding the definition of self-pleasure into one that exceeds beyond the sensational pleasure being touched in the perfect way by your lover and into one that becomes the experience of, as consistently as possible, putting you back into the driver’s seat of your life…

And stepping back up to the helm of your creation as the unlimited, infinite creator that you are.


Meditation to Immerse you in the Ecstatic Feminine

With the Latest in Enhanced Transformation and Integration Technology

~ Binaural Beats and Solfeggio Frequencies ~

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