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The Feeling We All Crave…

I’m going to tell you about one of the most sought after feelings I hear about from all the women I work with. It’s an experience I’ve craved as well and that we all desire at times…

The feeling we imagine we will feel when everything we’ve ever dreamed of finally begins to click into place…

The feeling we imagine we will feel when the desires we’ve been harboring for a long time finally start to manifest in our lives…

The experience we imagine we will sink into when our lives finally begin to reflect all of who and what it is we know we are capable of expressing…that which we feel that we owe to ourselves and to our lives.

It’s the feeling of arrival, the exhale of relief and the opportunity to relax into a depth of peace we imagine we will touch when we are finally doing, being, living and having all that we believe will make our life worth it.

But what happens to you and your now when you’re always in this gear of striving but never arriving?

You never feel enough…

Your life never feels enough…

No matter what you do, it never feels like enough…

You vacate yourself and miss out on all the ways in which life is meeting you, touching you, seducing you, and loving you back home to all that you are and always have been.

If what you’re truly craving is to know you have arrived, to feel your life is worth it, and to feel the incredible satisfaction of embodying an even fuller expression of your essence, then decide what that would look like today….and every day.

And then love yourself and your life enough to allow yourself to drop into and savor that “arrival” in as many moments as possible, realizing that there’s no other place you have to get to in order to do so.


Meditation to Immerse you in the Ecstatic Feminine

With the Latest in Enhanced Transformation and Integration Technology

~ Binaural Beats and Solfeggio Frequencies ~

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