There's a sweet freedom that comes with the exhale of letting go … the letting go of everything you think you need to do…
It’s enough to sit and delight in the butterflies swirling around the blooming lilac bush, while you allow yourself to be transported by its intoxicating fragrance.
It’s enough to close your eyes and immerse yourself in the symphony of the singing birds and be infused with their causeless joy.
It’s enough to drop everything you’re doing and relish the gift of this breath as if this very moment were your entire universe, pouring in and pouring out.
It’s enough to slow down and give yourself the space and presence to feel all the feelings buried underneath the hurried pace and chronic focus on everything other than your innermost self.
There’s so much healing that is ripe to happen that is just waiting for your undivided attention.
It’s enough to be enraptured by the sunlight pouring through your window and even let it lure you outside to bask in its nourishing warmth, without rushing back to the tasks that would otherwise consume your day.
It’s enough to allow yourself to be with the life that is right here, to feel the fleeting preciousness of being alive in a body, and to be mesmerized by the leaves shimmering with ecstasy in the invisible breeze.
If you do nothing else today…
It’s enough to devote yourself to being filled with the luscious contentment and the pregnant stillness of being fully alive inside the present moment
With no expectations and no desires other than…
To feel more deeply than you’ve ever felt before
To see beauty where you never saw it before
To listen for and receive the wisdom that lives in the fertile space between breaths as you sink into that portal to eternity that lives between the moments
To be touched by the wonder of this mysterious existence and opened wider than you’ve ever been opened
To bathe in the sweet nectar of remembrance of why you’re actually here
And to see - even just a little more clearly - that there’s nothing to search for outside of yourself.